Top 50 Net MVC Interview Questions and Answers

Built on top of .NET Core, this versatile framework utilizes the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern to create scalable, testable, and maintainable web applications with ease. RenderAction will call an action method of the current controller and render a result inline. In contrast, RenderPartial will render the specified view inline without calling any action method. Authorization, custom action filters (sync and async), and action result transformation can be done with the same approach.

These events enable developers to handle user interactions and manage control states. The AuthorizeAttribute class provides the following methods to override in the CustomAuthorize attribute class. ASP.NET how to become a .net mvc developer MVC4 and .NET Framework 4.5 offer bundling and minification techniques that reduce the number of requests to the server and size of requested CSS and JavaScript, which improve page loading time.

Define POST and GET action types.

Examples include the provision of access to users, administrators, and guests. Caching is a term used when the data has to be temporarily stored in the memory so that an application can access it quickly rather than looking for it in a hard drive. This speeds up the execution to an exponential pace and helps massively in terms of performance. The acronym CTS stands for Common Type System, which encompasses a predefined set of systematic regulations dictating the proper definition of data types in relation to the values provided by a user. Its primary purpose is to characterize and encompass all the various data types utilized within a user’s application.

interview questions for experienced .net mvc developer

As a .NET developer, your ability to work with these frameworks demonstrates your versatility and adaptability in developing solutions that cater to various platforms and user experiences. This question helps the hiring team assess if you have the right technical skills to contribute effectively to their development projects. As a .NET developer, handling exceptions correctly is critical to maintaining a robust and stable application. This demonstrates an essential skill for developers who ensure optimal performance and user experience in their software projects. In the realm of software development, understanding programming concepts is essential to being an effective developer. Inheritance is a key principle in object-oriented programming, and interviewers want to know if you grasp the concept and can apply it in your work.

Property Management Consultant Interview Questions and Answers

Strongly-typed views provide better maintainability and type safety. In this way, you can make your CustomAuthorize filter attribute either by implementing the IAuthorizationFilter interface or by inheriting and overriding the above methods of AuthorizeAttribute class. CDN stands for content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) which is a large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers across the Internet. The goal of a CDN is to serve the content (like the jQuery library and other open-source libraries) to end-users with high availability and high performance.

  • This allowed for better separation of concerns and made it easier to switch between different data sources without affecting the rest of the application.
  • ActionResult allows various types of results (e.g., ViewResult, JsonResult), providing flexibility in responding to different client requests.
  • In this way, the browser will see a different Url and will fetch the new copy of CSS and JS.
  • This is done by performing checks on the references of variables and objects used by the application.
  • It helps make data transmission over the internet more efficient.

Candidates who have the best coding skills, code cleanliness, and problem-solving skills, are those who gain the highest test score. The best developers are those who can demonstrate skill in coding and use of resources, like Stack Overflow, to find solutions to the problems they encounter. WebAPI is a technology with which you can expose data over HTTP using the REST principles. This approach was proposed to satisfy a broad range of clients requiring to consume data from JavaScript, mobile, Windows, etc. Appsettings.json also supports environment-specific files like appsettings.Development.json, which override base settings when running in specific environments. ASP.NET Core has built-in support for DI through its Inversion of Control (IoC) container.